
 2011年7月27日美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿UMT校总部消息2011年美国管理技术大学(UMT)毕业典礼已于2011年6月25日在美国首都华盛顿隆重举行,来自美国及海外200多名UMT毕业生和他们的亲友参加了这次庆典。美国本土的学生代表 Jonathan McRoy先生和来自中国的UMT DBA毕业生代表Dr.Sally Cuiying Cen在庆典上发言,和与会同学共同分享了他们难忘的学习经验。

    UMT学术校长Dr. J. Davidson Frame在他的讲话中向学生们解释说,毕业典礼之所以称之为commencement(注:此词原意“开始”,同时也是“毕业典礼”之意)是因为你们不仅获得了一个新学位,而且也意味着你们职业生涯开始一个新的舞台。


Arlington, Virginia, June 27, 2011: The University of Management and Technology held its commencement ceremony and reception on June 25, 2011 at the Artisphere in Arlington, VA. UMT alumni who graduated in the past five years were invited. More than 200 graduates, family and friends from the US and overseas attended. During the ceremony, graduate representatives, Dr. Sally Cuiying Cen and Mr. Jonathan McRoy, shared their memorable learning experiences at UMT with the audience.

In his speech, Dr. J. Davidson Frame, UMT Academic Dean, explained to the students that the graduation ceremony is called a commencement, because having earned new degrees, students can commence moving on to the next stage of their careers.

At the conclusion of the ceremony and reception, the graduates gathered at the Iwo Jima Memorial for a group photograph session.




