Team-Based Project Management
Team-Based Project ManagementThis book provides a one-chapter overview of the fundamentals of project manager and then goes into specifics of how to get the best performance out of your team.
You'll learn to confidently handle all aspects of teams, including how to:
Be a proactive manager who breaks team roadblocks, develops team members, and acts as a team advocate to upper management.
Understand what motivates employees. This section presents important behavioral principles, including why employment is an "exchange relationship" in which employees expect a fair return on their investment.
Use what management science has learned over the past 50 years about how teams function best.
Turn a group of people into a true functioning team
Lead a team effectively and flexibly
Manage the development of a team as it gains experience and matures
Ensure that meetings are exciting and productive
Deal with unsatisfactory team members, and resolve conflict on the team.
James P. Lewis
Dr. Lewis is an associate professor at the University of Management and Technology. He is president of The Lewis Institute, Inc., a training and consulting company specializing in project management. Dr. Lewis trained over 20,000 supervisors and managers in Argentina, Canada, England, Germany, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand, and the United States.
He is the author of:Team-based Project Management; Project Planning, Scheduling and Control; Third Edition; The Project Manager's Desk Reference, Second Edition; Working Together: The 12 Principles Employed by Boeing Commercial Aircraft to Manage Projects, Teams, and the Organization ; Fundamentals of Project Management ; How To Build and Manage a Winning Project Team; and co-author (with Bob Wysocki) of The World-Class Project Manager.
Product Details
Paperback: 226 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 9.7 x 7.4 x 0.5
Publisher: Beard Books; Reprinted Ed edition; ISBN: 1587982293; (January 31, 1998)
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