Organizing Projects for Success
Organizing Projects for SuccessHow do project managers get things done? They generally have substantial responsibility, and they depend on the cooperation of other project stakeholders for their success. In Organizing Projects for Success, Vijay Verma shows that understanding the issues of authority, accountability, reliability, and responsibility, as well as knowing how to gain the commitment of project participants and how to delegate effectively, are all critical to good project management. He shows that even the best soft skills can be overridden by an organizational structure that does not support management by projects. This book is Volume One of The Human Aspects of Project Management Series.
Look for Volume Two and Three of The Human Aspects of Project Management Series: Human Resource Skills for the Project Manager & Managing the Project Team.
Vijay Verma
Vijay Verma, M.B.A. is a leading authority on organizations and the human side of managing projects. He has written extensively about people on projects, including Human Resource Skills for the Project Manager. Mr. Verma holds the following degrees: B.S., Engineering, Punjab University; M.E., Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Nova Scotia; and an M.B.A., University of British Columbia.
Product Details
Hardcover: 201 pages
Publisher:Project Management Institute; October 1, 1995
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